Are you in search of a company to provide you with PPC services?
Looking for the best PPC Company in India?

Well, look no further because Sociolabs is the  best PPC Company in Delhi . Now let’s talk a little about PPC and how it can help you business. PPC or Pay Per Click is one of the most well known internet marketing strategies where you pay each time a potential customer clicks on your ad. Now you may ask, “Why is PPC so popular?” This is simply because it is 100% Trackable, Transparent, effective and helps you create brand awareness.Here at Sociolabs, we have a panel of qualified and hard working PPC experts who are more than capable enough to help your Local Business or Large Franchise to gain quality traffic with Pay Per Click advertising. In addition to providing PPC Services one of our strongest suits is providing

Google Ads Management

services. We take our customer’s success very seriously and make sure that their company ranks high up in the Google Search List. And for all this hard work, we make sure that the customer is charged a reasonable price.


Here at Sociolabs we have been providing PPC Marketing Services and Google Ads Management Services for both big and small businesses for the past several years. And with all this experience and a team of well trained experts backing us, we are confident that we’ll provide your business with quality traffic.

We are best known for creating a catchy and intriguing PPC Ad Campaign from scratch. Sociolabs is like a one- stop- shop. Whatever you need, PPC Services, Ad Campaign Ideas, Google Ads Management, Website Design and development, we can make it happen.

Here’s a list of things we aim to accomplish help your company climb up the ranks:

  • Research and narrow down keywords for each Ad Campaign 
  • Provide quality traffic according to the location
  • Keeping in mind the PPC keywords, prepare a Landing Page to improve ROI 
  • Carefully study the market area to define a Bid for keywords 
  • PPC Bid management 
  • Make sure the ROI is maximum

Now let’s take a look at the PPC services we provide: 


Location Targeting is a great way of narrowing down to the area where you can find quality traffic and restrict the area where you won’t. This way, you can maximize the return on investment. With the help of extensive research and the expertise of our team we plan our campaigns accordingly and make sure that you research your target audience and increase your ROI.


A/B testing is a wonderful method to figure out the best online promotional and marketing strategies for your business. A/B testing allows you to compare two versions of a single variant and so that we could choose the higher performing variant. According to our experts, A/B testing does not get you traffic, it merely helps you compare.


If you think your PPC account is having technical problems such as:
  • High Per Click Cost
  • Less Enquiries
  • Unwanted Clicks
Our PPC Experts will gladly help you fix these issues in no time.


1. What is the definition of PPC?

PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Essentially, it’s a way of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to “earn” those visits organically.

2. Why is PPC so important for businesses today?

PPC advertising is a way to gain higher visibility on search engines such as Google and Bing. With PPC visitors 50% more likely to make a purchase than organic visitors, this advertising tactic is one of the most effective online marketing tactics. PPC Services help you achieve business and marketing goals with ease as you get good brand exposure.

3. What are the benefits of PPC?

There are many benefits of using PPC services, some of the most important ones are:

  • It helps check campaign status and boosts performance on impressions, clicks, and conversions.

  • If you use your own bidding value, budget allocation could be a great advantage.

  • You can carve your own way to target customers using keywords.

  • Ad can be paused or stopped anytime, so we have full control

  • PPC uses Geo targeting as a unique tool to reach potential customers and promote business

  • The built-in keyword planner and display planner tools also help target the audience.

  • You know the nature of traffic and search results.

  • New category of people can be targeted.

4. How much money would PPC cost me?

PPC services depend on the flexibility of an individual ad auction. Based on your Quality score ranking, you can bid a relative amount. So when higher the scoring, the lower is the PPC cost. Yet an effective budget to generate sales needs to be Rs. 25-30K per month even despite a low PPC ad cost.

5. Where are advertisements shown and how do they look?

PPC ads are shown on the uppermost portion of a search engine. These ads can be colorful, pictorial boxes, propelling the buyer to a purchase or a simple text advertisement

6. What is included in PPC Services?

In our PPC services we provide Search Ads, Shopping Ads, Display Ads, Remarketing Ads, and Video Ads

7. What are Negative Keywords?

These are irrelevant keywords that are bound to fail to reach out to your target audience. These keywords hinder your ROI and we make sure never to make these kinds of mistakes. This is why hiring experts like us is important and very crucial for the growth of your business.

8. What are the different types of PPC?

• Social media advertising

• Display advertising

• Search advertising 

• Sequential remarketing

• Google Shopping ad campaigns

• Remarketing Ads

9. What’s a PPC Call?

Pay-per-call (PPCall, also called cost-per-call) is an advertising model in which the rate paid by the advertiser is determined by the number of telephone calls made by viewers of an ad.

10. What is the most helpful PPC Tool?

Google Trends is a useful PPC tool and is a search trend feature that shows how often a search term is entered in Google’s search engine relative to the total search volume of the webpage over a given period. This tool can also function as a market analysis tool that can help you find profitable PPC keywords.

11. Do I need to pay for services rendered by the search engine?

PPC is a very different concept as it places your paid ad over and above an organic one. Although you are charged for a paid click, your results come first atop free results and PPC instantly targets the viewer’s choice, increasing the chance of his conversion through catchy and  creative ad copy

12. What is the cost of PPC?

On a monthly basis, the average small and medium-sized businesses spend between $9,000 and $10,000 on PPC. This equates to approximately $108,000 to $120,000 per year. Typically, the most competitive PPC keywords relate to insurance, financial services, and legal industries.

13. What is the difference between PPC and CPC?

PPC and CPC are often used interchangeably within the advertising community, however generally speaking PPC is used to describe the type of advertising program you are running. CPC, which stands for cost-per-click, is usually used in communicating what you are actually paying per click within your advertising program.